South Flordia Fair

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Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Just over a year ago, the RC-48 was set aside, stuffed into open-air containers on the New Jersey boardwalk.

The largest portable roller coaster in the nation is now the newest showpiece at the South Florida Fair’s midway.

Lined with University of Florida flags, the orange-and-blue roller coaster wasn’t in any shape to run last year when it was purchased by Frank Zaitshik. The owner of Wade Shows Inc., the company that runs the fair’s midway, Zaitshik took a gamble with the 5-story-tall roller coaster, which had been sitting unused for three years.

The RC-48 almost debuted at last year’s fair, but rebuilding and testing the roller coaster would have cut it very close with the fair’s opening. Zaitshik instead chose to set it up at the Florida State Fair, which would offer an entire month to make sure everything ran smoothly.

“It was like a jigsaw puzzle,” he said. “We had to lay it all out, and then try and figure out how to put it together.”

The gamble paid off. The RC-48 worked and was the top money-winner at that fair, Zaitshik said.

Wade Shows has invested between $500,000 and $600,000 in the RC-48, the vast majority spent on work put into the roller coaster after it was purchased, he said. If the company put it back on the market today they would ask for $1.2 million.

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By C. Ron Allen | South Florida Sun-Sentinel

The South Florida Fair officially opens Friday, and officials say it will be bigger than ever. The fair runs through Feb. 1

This year, the carnival midway will introduce the RC-48, considered the largest portable roller coaster in the United States.

RC-48 of Wade Shows

RC-48 of Wade Shows

The fairgrounds is off Southern Boulevard seven miles west of Interstate 95, west of West Palm Beach.

Gates will be open from noon to 10 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, except on Martin Luther King Day when the hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The regular hours on Saturday and Sunday are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Midnight Madness will be from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Saturdays.

The fee is $25.

General tickets are $15 for 12 and older, $9 for 60 and older, $8 for 6 to 11 and free for children 5 and younger.

For information, go to or 561-793-0333 or 800-640-3247.

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