Oneida County Fair

All posts tagged Oneida County Fair

By Michael Skubal-Daily News Staff

The Oneida County Fair is moving to Pioneer Park this year.

For many folks, a fair in town is a reminder of the old days when the fair was held at the fairgrounds on Coon Street. Many in town have fond memories.

Judy Schlub, owner of Cool Clothing on Brown Street, remembers the old fair.

“We saved up all summer for the fair. I was really good at the games, especially the dart games. I ended up playing for everyone. I’d win the plaster of Paris banks, a pig for my sister, Donna. Chucky and Tommy Tillman got the puppy dogs. We’d get so wound up the night before the fair we couldn’t sleep. We’d always get one or two rides. We’d go on the Scrambler. The heaviest kid had to sit on the outside. And you could only have two or three kids on the ride, otherwise the other kids wouldn’t slam into you. One time the Tilt-A-Whirl wasn’t grounded properly and I got a shock. But the games were the big thing,” she said.

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